Yow! 2024 Resources
This page provides a few links to support this presentation given at Yow! Melbourne (Dec. 6), Yow! Brisbane (Dec. 9), and Yow! Sydney (Dec. 13).
Moldable Development in Practice — Patterns for Legacy Modernization
As Developers, we often struggle to understand the important details of the (legacy) software systems we continuously develop. Moldable Development is an approach to open up software systems to expose their internal domain models and make them explainable. But how does this work in practice? Through a series of case studies we will illustrate a number of key patterns behind moldable development.
- Glamorous Toolkit download for Mac, Linux and Windows (including live notebook descriptions of the patterns)
- Moldable Development Patterns paper (arXiv preprint)
- Moldable Development in Practice slides with notes (HTML)