Past events

Past events (1998-present)

See also: Dagstuhls I have attended.





  • PC Member of ICSME 2021 (37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution — Luxembourg City, Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2021)


  • Keynote Speaker at ASE 2020 Doctoral Symposium (35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering — Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 21, 2020) — Taming your PhD
  • PC Member of SANER 2020 (27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - London, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 18-21, 2020)


  • General Chair of SLE 2019 (ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering — Athens, Greece, Oct. 21-22, 2019)
  • PC Member of SANER 2019 (International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering — Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China, February 24-27, 2019)


  • PC Member of SCAM 2018 (18th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation — Madrid, Spain, Sept. 23-24, 2018)
  • PC Member of SANER 2018 (International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering — Campobasso, Italy, March 19-23, 2018)


  • PC Member of BENEVOL 2017 (16th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution symposium — University of Antwerp, Belgium, Dec 4-5, 2017)
  • Invited Speaker at Simula 50 Years (50 years anniversary of Simula, the first object-oriented programming language — Oslo, Norway, Sept. 27, 2017) — Great Moments in the History of OOP
  • PC Member of ICSME 2017 (International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution — Shanghai, China, Sept. 17-23, 2017)
  • PC Member of SANER 2017 (International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering — Klagenfurt, Austria, Feb. 21-24, 2017)


  • General Co-Chair for SCAM 2016 (International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation — Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 2-3, 2016)
  • PC Member of ICSME 2016 (International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution — Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 2-10 2016)
  • PC Member of Onward! 2016 Essays Track (Splash / Onward! 2016 — Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 2016)
  • Invited Speaker at SATToSE 2016 (9th Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution — Bergen, Norway, July 11—13, 2016)
  • Co-organizer of Engineering Academic Software (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16252 — Dagstuhl, Germany, June 19-24, 2016)
  • Invited Speaker at FASE-ETAPS 2016 (19th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE) — Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 4-7, 2016) — The Death of Object-Oriented Programming
  • PC Member of SANER 2016 (International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering — Osaka, Japan, March 14-18, 2016)


  • PC Member of BENEVOL 2015 (BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution seminar — Lille, France, Dec 3-4, 2015)
  • PC Member of ICSME 2015 (International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution — Bremen, Germany, Sept 27-Oct 3, 2015)
  • PC Member of ICSE 2015 (37th International Conference on Software Engineering — Florence, Italy, May 16-24, 2015)
  • PC Member of Modularity 2015 Visions Track (International Conference on Modularity — Fort Collins, Colorado, March 16-19, 2015)
  • PC Member of SANER 2015 ERA Track (International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering — Montreal, Canada, March 2-6, 2015)


  • Invited Speaker at INRIA Lille: Domain-Specific Tooling (Nov. 20, 2014)
  • PC Member of DLS 2014 (Dynamic Languages Symposium — colocated with SPLASH 2014 — Portland, US, Oct 21, 2014)
  • PC Member of SLE 2014 (7th International Conference on Software Language Engineering — Västerås, Sweden, Sept 14-15, 2014)
  • PC Member of CSMR-WCRE-ERA (European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering/Working Conference on Reverse Engineering — Antwerp, Belgium, Feb 3-7, 2014)


  • Keynote Speaker at SCAM 2013 (13th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation — Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 22-23 September 2013)
  • PC Member of ICSM 2013 (29th International Conference on Software Maintenance — Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sept 22-28, 2013)
  • Co-organizer of SATToSE 2013 (6th Seminar on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution — Bern, Switzerland, July 8-10, 2013)
  • Keynote Speaker at ECOOP 2013 (27th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming — Montpellier, France, July 1-5, 2013)
  • Keynote Speaker and PC Member of COOMPL 2013 ( Second International Workshop on Combined Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming Languages, colocated with ECOOP 2013 — Montpellier, France, July 1, 2013)
  • PC Member of WASDeTT-4 2013 (International Workshop on Advanced/Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques, colocated with ECOOP 2013 — Montpellier, France, July 1, 2013)
  • PC Member of SC 2013 (International Conference on Software Composition 2013 — Budapest, Hungary, June 19, 2013)
  • Keynote Speaker at Karlsruher Entwicklertag 2013 (Karlsruhe, Germany, June 5-7, 2013)
  • PC Member of XP 2013 (14th International Conference on Agile Software Development — Vienna, Austria, June 3-7, 2013)
  • PC Member of ICSE NIER 2013 (New Ideas and Emerging Results — San Francisco, USA, May 18-26 2013)
  • PC Member of LIVE 2013 ( First International Workshop on Live Programming, colocated with ICSE 2013 — San Francisco, USA, May 19, 2013)
  • Co-organizer of PharoConf/MooseDay 2013 (Pharo Conference — Bern, Switzerland, April 2-4 2013)
  • PC Member of SE 2013 (Software Engineering 2013 — Aachen, Germany, Feb 26 - March 1, 2013)


  • Keynote Speaker at BENEVOL 2012 (11th BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution symposium — Delft, The Netherlands, Dec 3-4, 2012)
  • PC Member of XM 2012 (Extreme Modeling Workshop, colocated with Models 2012 — Innsbruck, Austria, Oct 1, 2012)
  • PC Member of GPCE 2012 (Generative Programming and Component Engineering — Dresden, Germany, Sept 26-28, 2012)
  • PC Member of SLE 2012 Doctoral Symposium (At Software Language Engineering — Dresden, Germany, Sept 25, 2012)
  • PC Member of ICSM 2012 (28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance — Riva del Garda, Italy, Sept 23-30, 2012)
  • Keynote speaker at ICPC 2012 (20th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension — Passau, Germany, June 11-13, 2012)
  • PC Member of ICPC 2012 (20th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension — Passau, Germany, June 11-13, 2012)
  • Tutorials Co-Chair for ICSE 2012 (34th International Conference on Software Engineeering — Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-9, 2012)
  • PC Member of XP2012 (XP2012 Theme: Agile By Design — Malmö, Sweden, May 21-25 2012)
  • PC Member of SE 2012 (Software Engineering 2012 — Berlin, Germany, Feb 27 - March 2, 2012)
  • PC Member of Smalltalk Directions (Colocated with Smalltalk Industry Conference ‘12 — Biloxi, Mississippi, USA, March 19-21, 2012)
  • Keynote Speaker at IWRE 2012 (3rd India Workshop on Reverse Engineering, co-located with ISEC ‘12 — Kanpur, India, Feb 22, 2012)
  • PC Member of C5 (The Tenth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing — U Southern California, USA, Jan 18-20, 2012)


  • External Review Committee Member of OOPSLA 2011 (SPLASH/OOPSLA — Portland Oregon, USA, Oct 22-27, 2011)
  • PC Member of Onward! 2011 (ACM Conference on New Ideas in Programming and Reflections on Software, colocated with SPLASH/OOPSLA — Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct 22-27 2011)
  • PC Member of ICSM 2011 (27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance — Williamsburg, VA, USA, Sept 25 - Oct 1, 2011)
  • PC Member GTTSE Summer School (Generative & Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering — Braga, PT, July 3-9, 2011)
  • Keynote speaker for TOOLS 2011 (49th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns — Zurich, Switzerland, 27 June - 01 July 2011)
  • PC Member for ICMT 2011 (International Conference on Model Transformation — Zurich - Switzerland, 27 - 28 June, 2011)
  • PC Member of OOPS 2011 (Special track on Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems at SAC 2011 — Tunghai University, TaiChung, Taiwan, Mar 21-25, 2011
  • PC Member of CSMR 2011 (5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering — Oldenburg, Germany, March 1—4, 2011)
  • PC Member of SE 2011 (Software Engineering 2011 — Karlsruhe, Germany, Feb 21—25 2011)
  • PC Member of C5 (The Ninth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing — Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 18-20 January 2011)
  • Co-organizer of FOSD Dagstuhl Workshop (Feature-Oriented Software Development — Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, January 9-14, 2011)


  • PC Member of PCODA 2010 (Program Comprehension through Dynamic Analysis (PCODA) workshop — Colocated with WCRE 2010, Beverly, MA, USA, Oct 13-16, 2010)
  • Co-organizer of FOSD 20010 (2nd Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development — Colocated with GPCE’10/SLE 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Oct 10, 2010)
  • PC Member of ICSM 2010 (26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance — Timişoara, Romania, Sept 12-18, 2010)
  • Co-Chair of ICSM 2010 Doctoral Symposium (Special Track of ICSM 2010 — Timişoara, Romania, Sept 13, 2010)
  • PC Member of SEAA-EDISON 2010 (Euromicro Special track on Evolution of Distributed, Internet-based and Service-Oriented applicatioNs — Lille, France, Sept. 1, 2010
  • PC Member of TOOLS 2010 (48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns — Malaga, Spain, June 28 - July 2, 2010)
  • PC Member of RAM-SE 2010 (7th ECOOP Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution, colocated with ECOOP 2010 — Maribor, Slovenia, July 22, 2010)
  • PC Member of Suite 2010 (2nd Intl. Workshop on Search-driven development: Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation. Colocated with ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 1st, 2010)
  • PC Member of WETSoM 2010 (Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics. Colocated with ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 4th, 2010)
  • PC Member of OOPS 2010 (Special track on Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems at SAC 2010 — Sierre/Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar 22-26, 2010
  • Invited Speaker at SOFSEM 2010 (36th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Principles of Software Construction track — Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, January 23—29, 2010)


  • Invited Speaker on Die Evolution von Programmiersprachen in the Collegium Generale lecture series Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen: Natürliche und formale Sprachen in den Wissenschaften (University of Bern — Oct 28, 2009)
  • PC Member of FAMOOSr 2009 (3rd Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering; Colocated with WCRE 2009, Lille, France, Oct 13-16, 2009)
  • PC Member of FOSD 2009 (1st International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development — Colocated with Models/GPCE/SLE 2009, Denver CO, USA, Oct 4-6 2009)
  • PC Member of IWST09 (International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies — Colocated with ESUG 2009, Brest, France, Aug 31, 2009)
  • Program Chair of CASTA 2009 (Workshop on Context-Aware Software Technology and Applications — Colocated with ESEC/FSE 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 24, 2009)
  • PC Member of the ESEC/FSE 2009 Doctoral Symposium (At ESEC/FSE 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 25, 2009)
  • PC Member of RAM-SE 2009 (Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution, colocated with ECOOP 2009 — Genova, Italy, July 7, 2009)
  • PC Member of ECOOP 2009 (23rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming — Genova, Italy, July 6-10 2009)
  • PC Member of ETSM 2009 (First International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics — Colocated with XP 2009, Pula, Sardinia, Italy, May 26, 2009)
  • PC Member of SUITE 2009 (First Intl. Workshop on Search-Driven Development — Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation — Colocated with ICSE 2009, Vancouver, Canada, May 16 2009)


  • PC Member of Models@run.time (Colocated with Models 2008 — Toulouse, France, Sept 28-Oct 3, 2008)
  • PC Member of FAMOOSr 2008 (2nd Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering — Colocated with WCRE 2008 — Antwerp, Belgium, Oct. 17, 2008)
  • PC Member of OOPSLA Onward! 2008 (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications — Nashville, US, Oct. 19-23, 2008)
  • Invited Speaker at SVPP 2008 (Software Variability: a Programmers’ Perspective — Brussels, Belgium, August 8-9, 2008)
  • PC Member of DLS 2008 (Dynamic Languages Symposium — Paphos, Cyprus, July 8, 2008)
  • PC Member of WASDeTT 2008 (International Workshop on Advanced Software Development Tools and Techniques — Paphos, Cyprus, July 8, 2008)
  • PC Member of TOOLS Europe 2008 (International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns — Zurich, Switzerland, June 30 - July 4, 2008)
  • PC Member of ICPC 2008 (International Conference on Program Comprehension — Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-13 June, 2008)
  • PC Member of FASE 2008 (Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering — Budapest, Hungary, 29 March - 6 April, 2008)


  • President of CHOOSE, 2003-2007 (Swiss special interest group on OO Systems)
  • Co-organized the CHOOSE Forum 2007 (Languages for the Web — FHNW Brugg, Nov. 9, 2007)
  • PC Member of DLS 07 (Dynamic Languages Symposium 2007 — colocated with OOPSLA 07, Montreal, Oct. 22, 2007)
  • PC Member of Dyla07 (3rd Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications — colocated with ECOOP 07, Berlin, July 31, 2007)
  • PC Member of TOOLS — Europe 2007 (ETH Zurich, June 24-28, 2007)
  • PC Member of FAMOOSr Workshop (colocated with TOOLS — Europe 2007, ETH Zurich, June 25, 2007)
  • PC Member of Coordination 2007 (International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages — Nicosia, Cyprus, June 6-8, 2007)
  • Keynote Speaker at ASWEC 2007 (18th Australian Conference on Software Engineering — Melbourne, April 10-13, 2007)
  • Tutorial Speaker at ASWEC 2007 (18th Australian Conference on Software Engineering — Melbourne, April 10, 2007)
  • Steering Committee Member of SC 2007 (Software Composition 2007 —satellite event of ETAPS 2007 — Braga, Portugal, March 24-25, 2007)
  • Invited speaker, Swinburne University and SANM (Hawthorn Campus — March 23, 2007)
  • Speaker at JUGS event: “Object-oriented Reengineering Patterns — an Overview” (Technopark Zurich, Jan. 25, 2007 — ppt slides are available)


  • PC Member of DLS 2006 (Dynamic Languages Symposium 2006 [at OOPSLA 2006] — Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22, 2006)
  • Participant at euroTICS 2006 (European University and Research Organization for the Technologies of Informatics and Computer Science — Zurich, Oct. 16-17, 2006)
  • Program Chair of MoDELS 2006 (9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems — Genoa, Italy, Oct 1-6, 2006)
  • Keynote speaker at NODe 2006 (NET.ObjectDays 2006 — Erfurt, Germany, Sept. 18-21, 2006)
  • Participant and coauthor at ISC 2006 (14th International Smalltalk Conference — Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 4-8)
  • Participant at the Revival of Dynamic Languages Workshop (RDL06 workshop at ECOOP 06 — Nantes, July 3, 2006)
  • Participant in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Latently-Typed Languages (Dagstuhl Seminar 06181 — Schloss Dagstuhl, May 1-6, 2006)
  • PC Member of EVOL 2006 (International ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution — Lilles, France, April 6-7, 2006)
  • Steering Committee Member SC 2006 (Software Composition 2006 — Vienna, Austria, March 25-26, 2006)
  • Co-organizer of SARIT 06 (SARIT 06: new ways of CS education on all levels — Uni Basel, March 2, 2006)


  • Participant in European Computer Science Summit — ETH Zürich, Oct. 20-21, 2005
  • PC Member of DLS05 (Dynamic Languages Symposium at OOPSLA 2005 — San Diego, Oct 18, 2005)
  • Hosting the Eclipse RCP Workshop — U. Bern, Oct. 17, 2005
  • PC Member of MoDELS / UML 2005 (ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems — Jamaica, Oct 2-7, 2005)
  • Invited Speaker at GPCE’05 (Generative Programming and Component Engineering — Tallinn, Estonia, Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2005)
  • Invited Speaker at ESEC/FSE’05 (European Software Engineering Conference — Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 5-9, 2005)
  • PC Member of IWPSE ‘05 (International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution — Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 5-6, 2005)
  • PC Member of the Euromicro CBSE Track (31st Euromicro — Porto, Portugal, Aug. 30 - Sept. 3, 2005)
  • Participant in the ECOOP 2005 Workshops RAM-SE’05: Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution and 6th International Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering (WOOR) (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming — Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Jul. 25-29, 2005)
  • PC Member of IDM 2005 (Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles — Paris, France, Jun 30 - Jul 1, 2005)
  • Participant in Dagstuhl-Seminar 05251 (Types for Tools: Applications of Type Theoretic Techniques — Schloss Dagstuhl, June 19-24, 2005)
  • Organizing ChaSE (ERCIM-ESF Workshop on Challenges in Software Evolution — Bern, April 12-13, 2005)
  • Organizing the CHOOSE Forum 2005 (Tools for Managing Software Complexity — Bern, April 11, 2005)
  • PC Member and* Invited Speaker *of SC 2005 (Software Composition — Edinburgh, Scotland, April 9, 2005; co-located with ETAPS 2005)
  • *Hosting *LMO 2005 (Langages et Modèles à Objets — University of Bern, March 9-11, 2005)
  • *Hosting *LOTS 2005 (Let’s Open the Source — University of Bern, Feb 17-19, 2005)
  • *Hosting *the ECOOP 2005 PC meeting (University of Bern, Feb 10-11, 2005)


  • Workshop Organiser at OOPSLA 2004 ("Revival of Dynamic Languages" workshop— Vancouver, Canada, October, 2004)
  • Tutorial speaker at OOPSLA 2004 ("Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns" tutorial — Vancouver, Canada, October, 2004)
  • Invited speaker at UML 2004 (Oct. 11-15, 2004 — Lisbon, Portugal)
  • PC Member of IWPSE 2004 (International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution — Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 6-7, 2004)
  • PC Member of the Euromicro CBSE Track (30th Euromicro — Rennes, France, Sept 3, 2004)
  • PC Member of ECOOP 2004 (European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming — Oslo, Norway, June 14-19, 2004)
  • Keynote speaker at CBSE7 (International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering — Edinburgh, Scotland, May 24-25, 2004)Speaker at SI-SE 2004 (Components — The Future of Software Engineering? — University of Zurich, March 18-19, 2004)
  • Co-organizing LOTS event (Let’s Open the Source — University of Bern, Feb 18, 2004)
  • Tutorial speaker at OOP 2004 ("Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns" tutorial — Munich, Germany, Jan 23, 2004)


  • Presiding CHOOSE Forum tutorial by Angelika Langer: New Features in the Java 2 Standard Edition 1.5 — Kursaal Bern, Nov 3, 2003
  • Hosting LOTS (Let’s Open the Source) Kickoff event — U Bern, Oct 24, 2003
  • Co-hosting SSUG/CHOOSE Tutorial by Jospeh Pelrine: SCRUM: A Methodology to Keep the Team Going — U Bern, Oct 14, 2003
  • Hosting CHOOSE SIG Beer by Franz Achermann: *Naked Objects *— U Bern, Oct 8, 2003
  • PC Member of ECOOP 2003 (European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming — Darmstadt, Germany, July 21-25, 2003)
  • Member of the Workshop Committee for ICSE 2003 (International Conference on Software Engineering — Portland, Orgeon, May 3-10, 2003)
  • PC Member of FOAL 2003 (Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages — workshop at AOSD 2003)
  • PC Member of AOSD 03 (Aspect-Oriented Software Development — Enschede, The Netherlands, April 22-26, 2003)
  • PC Member of ESOP 03 (European Symposium On Programming — Warsaw, Poland, April 7-11 2003)
  • Speaker at SI-SE 2003 (Software Sanierung — Zürich, March 13-14, 2003)
  • Tutorial speaker at OMG Information Days 2003 (Zürich, Feb 26, 2003)


  • CHOOSE Tutorial "Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns" — University of Bern, Nov. 28, 2002
  • Invited Speaker at FMCO 2002 (First International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects — Leiden, The Netherlands, Nov. 5-8, 2002)
  • PC Member of OOPSLA 2002 (Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications — Seattle, Washington, Nov 4-8 2002)
  • *PC Member *of Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future —Venice, Italy, Oct 7-11 2002
  • Invited Speaker, Industrielle Software Produktion 2002 — Stuttgart, Sept. 19-20, 2002
  • PC Member of EDOC 2002 (The 6th International Conference on Enterprise Distributed Object Computing — Lausanne, Switzerland Sept 17-20, 2002)
  • *PC Member *of CD 2002 (First International Working Conference on Component Deployment — Berlin, Germany, June 20-21, 2002; co-located with PLDI, June 17-19)
  • PC Member of CAiSE 2002 (The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering — Toronto, Canada, May 27-31, 2002)
  • PC Member of FOAL (Foundations of Aspect Oriented Languages — co-located with AOSD, Twente, the Netherlands, April 23-26, 2002)
  • PC Member of Coordination 2002 (Fifth International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages — York, UK, April 8-1, 2002 )


  • PC Member of OOPSLA 2001 (Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications — Tampa, Florida, Oct 14-18, 2001)
  • PC Member of TOOLSEE 2001 (TOOLS Eastern Europe 2001 — Varna, Bulgaria,Sept 25-28, 2001)
  • Keynote speaker at GCSE 2001 (Third International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering — Erfurt, Germany Sept 10-13, 2001)
  • PC Member of CoopIS 2001 (Sixth International Conference on CooperativeÊ Information Systems — Trento, Italy Sept 5-7, 2001)
  • PC Member of EDOC 2001 (The 5th International Conference on Enterprise Distributed Object Computing — Seattle, Washington, USA, Sept 4-7, 2001)
  • PC Member of CAiSE 2001 (The 13th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering — Interlaken, Switzerland, June 4-8, 2001)
  • “Member of the Tutorials Subcommittee” ICSE 2001 (The 23d International Conference on Software Engineering — Toronto, Canada, May 12-19, 2001)
  • Invited speaker at the Component Based Software Day (CWI, Amsterdam — April 27, 2001)
  • PC member of WPDRTS 2001 (Ninth International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems — San Francisco, April 23-24, 2001)



  • Tutorial presenter and Doctoral Symposium Mentor at OOPSLA 99 (Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications — Denver, CO, Nov. 1-5, 1999)
  • Invited speaker at EESI System Architecture Colloquia — TUE Eindhoven, NL, Oct. 6, 1999
  • Programme Chair of ESEC 99/FSE-7 (joint European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering — Toulouse, France, Sept. 6-10, 1999)
  • PC member of ECOOP 99 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming — Lisbon, Portugal, June 14-18, 1999.)
  • PC member of Coordination 99 — Amsterdam, NL, 28-30 April 1999
  • PC member of ESOP 99 (European Symposium On Programming — Amsterdam, NL, 22-26 March 1999)
  • Hosting CHOOSE Forum on Software Architecture ‘99 — U. Bern, March 11th, 1999.
  • Invited speaker at FMOODS 99 — Florence, Italy, Feb 15-18, 1999